1) Who was John the
Baptist’s father?
a) Zacharias Luke 1:13
b) Herod
c) Simeon
d) Zephaniah
2) Zacharias was a priest
of what division?
a) Gamaliel
b) Abijah Luke 1:5
c) Nazaren
d) Aaronic
3) Why did they have no
a) Their children were
b) They were old
c) Elizabeth was barren
d) Elizabeth was barren, and they were
both advanced in years Luke 1:7
4) Where was Zacharias
when the Angel appeared to him?
a) At his home
b) In the field
c) In the temple of the Lord Luke 1:8-11
d) It doesn’t say
5) What was Zacharias
going to do in the temple when the angel appeared to him?
a) Offer a sacrifice
b) Burn incense Luke 1:9
c) Sabbath ceremony
d) Teach from the Torah
6) According to the angel,
how would John the Baptist be like Elijah?
a) In the spirit and power of Elijah
Luke 1:17
b) The recreation of
c) A forerunner like
d) A prophet like Elijah
7) John the Baptist was to
turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the disobedient back to
the righteous for what purpose?
a) To point to Jesus
b) To teach about baptism
c) To fulfill prophecy
d) To make ready a people prepared for
the Lord Luke 1:17
8) Who was the angel who
spoke to Zacharias?
a) The angel is unnamed
b) Michael
c) Gabriel Luke 1:19
d) Fred
9) What was the sign given
to Zacharias?
a) That he would have
dreams confirming the words
b) That the incense would
not burn
c) That Elizabeth would
not be able to speak until the day when these things take place
d) That he would be unable to speak
until the day when these things take place Luke 1:20
10) In what month was
Gabriel sent to Mary?
a) Second
b) Third
c) Sixth Luke 1:26
d) Eighth
11) What throne did
Gabriel promise Mary would be given to Jesus?
a) The throne of God
b) The throne of David Luke 1:32
c) The throne in heaven
d) The throne of Israel
12) What Gabriel say Jesus
would be called?
a) Messiah
b) The Promised One
c) Son of the Most High Luke 1:32
d) He didn’t mention
13) Whose house would
Jesus reign over forever?
a) The house of Jacob Luke 1:33
b) The house of Jesse
c) The house of David
d) The house of Abraham
14) What did Elizabeth’s
baby do in the womb when Mary came to visit?
a) The baby settled down
b) The baby leaped Luke 1:41
c) The baby rejoiced
d) The baby did nothing
15) What would generations
do to Mary per her words at her cousin Elizabeths home?
a) Rejoice for her
b) Weep for her
c) Count her blessed Luke 1:48
d) Nothing
16) How long did Mary stay
with Elizabeth?
a) Three months Luke 1:56
b) Four months
c) Six months
d) Doesn’t say
17) What did the people
want to name Elizabeths baby instead of John?
a) Zephaniah
b) Joseph
c) Jacob
d) Zacharias Luke 1:59
18) How did Zacharias tell
them what to name the baby?
a) He signed
b) He spoke
c) He wrote on a tablet Luke 1:63
d) He didn’t tell them
19) Where did John the
Baptist live until the time came for his ministry?
a) In Bethlehem
b) In Jerusalem
c) In his house
d) In the desert Luke 1:80
20) Who decreed a census
to be taken?
a) Herod
b) Caesar Augustus Luke 2:1-3
c) Aquinas
d) Caesar Salade
21) Who was governor of
a) Quirinius Luke 2:2
b) Herod
c) Aquealus
d) Augustus
22) To what town did Mary
and Joseph go to be counted in the census?
a) Jerusalem
b) Bethlehem Luke 2:4-5
c) Capernaum
d) Nazareth
23) Why did Mary lay Him
in a manger?
a) To fulfill prophecy
b) It was the best place
for Him
c) No room for them at the inn Luke 2:7
d) No room for them at the
Holiday Inn
24) What were the
shepherds doing when the angel appeared?
a) Sleeping
b) Tending their flocks Luke 2:8
c) Eating
d) Shearing sheep
25) What was the sign to
the Shepherds?
a) The star
b) A baby wrapped in cloths and lying in
a manger Luke 2:12
c) Angels singing
d) A glow of light around
26) After the angels left,
what did the shepherds do?
a) Ate dinner
b) Praised God
c) They went to Bethlehem to find Jesus
Luke 2:15-16
d) Told others what the
angel said
27) When the infant Jesus
was brought to the temple, who was the righteous and devout man who looked for
the consolation of Israel?
a) Simeon Luke 2:25
b) Zacharias
c) Caiaphas
d) Nicodemus
28) Who was the
prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher?
a) Anna Luke 2:36
b) Elizabeth
c) Miriam
d) Mary
29) How did Anna serve in
the temple?
a) She served the priests
b) She didn’t serve in the
c) With prayer and fasting Luke 2:37
d) She donated to the coffers
30) How did Joseph learn
about Jesus?
a) An angel told him
b) In a dream Matthew 1:20
c) In a vision
d) From Mary
31) Who spoke to him in
that dream?
a) God
b) Jesus
c) An angel Matthew 1:20
d) A Voice
32) How many magi came to
Jerusalem looking for Jesus?
a) Three
b) Four
c) A dozen
d) Unknown Matthew 2:1
33) When answering Herod,
the priests told him where Jesus would be found based on what prophecy?
a) Isaiah 52:10
b) Isaiah 53:7
c) Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:5-6 and Micah 5:2
d) Zephaniah 10:12
34) How did the Magi find
a) The star showed them Matthew 2:2
b) The priests told them
c) The prophecies told
d) Herod told them
35) Where did they find
a) In a manger
b) In Nazareth
c) In the Inn
d) In a house Matthew 2:11
36) How did the Magi know
not to return to Herod?
a) They were warned in a dream Matthew
b) An angel warned them in
c) Joseph told them
d) Prophecy told them
37) Where did Joseph take
Mary and Jesus to escape Herod?
a) Egypt Matthew 2:13
b) Syria
c) Jerusalem
d) They stayed put
38) How did they know to
a) An angel told them
b) God told them
c) In a dream Matthew 2:13
d) In a vision
39) Why did Herod want to
find Jesus?
a) To worship Him
b) To see Him
c) To kill Him Matthew 2:13
d) To see if He was real
40) What did Herod do when
he learned that the Magi had tricked him?
a) He killed all the male children
younger than 2 yrs old Matthew 2:16
b) He outlawed Magi
c) He fined them
d) He imprisoned them
41) Which prophet said
"A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are
a) Jeremiah Matthew 2:17-18
b) Isaiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel
42) Why did Joseph leave
a) He had no work there
b) Famine
c) Jesus said it was time
to go
d) Herod died Matthew 2:19-20
43) How did he know Herod
a) God said so
b) An angel told him
c) From a dream Matthew 2:19
d) From a vision
44) Why did they go to
a) An angel said so
b) God warned them in a dream Matthew
c) To fulfill prophecy
d) Jesus told them
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