1) Blessed is the man who
has not done what?
a) Walked in the counsel of the ungodly
Psalm 1:1
b) Eaten with sinners
c) Made his home with
d) Sat with the nations
2) What is the delight of
the righteous?
a) The ways of the Lord
b) The promises of the
c) The holiness of the
d) The Law of the Lord Psalm 1:2
3) How does he meditate?
a) In his waking hours
b) Day and night Psalm 1:2
c) With his whole heart
d) Fervently
4) The righteous man who
meditates on the Law is like what object?
a) A flowing river
b) A steadfast oak
c) A tree by rivers of water Psalm 1:3
d) The cedars of Lebanon
5) The ungodly are like
what in this psalm?
a) Dust in the wind
b) Chaff Psalm 1:4
c) Rocks underfoot
d) Kindling
6) The ungodly shall not
stand in what?
a) Trials
b) The storm
c) The Law
d) Judgment Psalm 1:5
7) What happens to the
a) They perish Psalm 1:6
b) They blow away
c) They burn up
d) They are smash below
His feet
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