Sunday, October 8, 2017

Animals of the Bible 2

1) Instead of sacrificing his son, Abraham offered what alternative animal sacrifice that God provided for him?
a) goat
b) calf
c) lamb
d) ram Genesis 22:13

2) When the Lord cursed the serpent in the Garden of Eden, He said the serpent was cursed more than all what specific animal?
a) cattle Genesis 3:14
b) foxes
c) vultures
d) wild donkeys

3) When the Lord first called Moses from the burning bush to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses was reluctant. The Lord showed Moses two miracles. One turned the hand of Moses white. What was the other miracle?
a) turning a staff into a serpent Exodus 4:1-7
b) turning stones into doves
c) raising the bones of a dead lion
d) making his sheep talk

4) God commanded the prophet Elijah hide out by a brook where he was fed by what animal?
a) eagles
b) ravens 1 Kings 17:2-4
c) goats
d) lions

5) Fill in the blanks: In the sermon on the mount, Jesus tells people not to give what is holy to _______ nor  cast pearls before _______.
a) swine and swine
b) jackals and swine
c) dogs and swine Matthew 7:6
d) vultures and dogs

6) Joseph’s brothers tricked their father Israel into believing that Joseph was dead, killed by wild animals. They used the blood of which animal to stain Joseph’s tunic?
a) a dog
b) a lamb
c) a kid Genesis 37:31
d) a calf

7) What is the order of the colors of the horses ridden by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the book of Revelation?
a) red, black, white and pale
b) white, black, red and pale
c) pale, red, white and black
d) white, red, black and pale Revelation 6:2-8

8) Peter warns that the devil walks around like what animal, seeking to devour?
a) hungry dog
b) ravenous vulture
c) screaming eagle
d) roaring lion 1 Peter 5:8

9) John the Baptist ate honey along with which animal?
a) fish
b) bees
c) frogs
d) locusts Matthew 3:4

10) What animal was responsible for Absalom getting his hair caught up in the branches of a great oak, an event that led to his death?
a) lion
b) mule 2 Samuel 18:9
c) horse
d) dog

11) Fill in the blank: The _____ have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.
a) mice
b) serpents
c) foxes Matthew 8:20
d) bears

12) What animal did Abel take care of and sacrifice?
a) camels
b) sheep Genesis 4:2-4
c) cows
d) goats

13) The soul of the psalmist pants after the Lord as what animal pants after water?
a) sheep
b) deer Psalms 42:1
c) lion
d) ox

14) Noah sent forth two different birds after the flood. We all know one of them was a dove. What was the other bird Noah sent out?
a) eagle
b) albatross
c) raven Genesis 8:7
d) Noah only sent out doves

15) Just after the birth of Jesus, Mary went to the temple to make a sacrifice, to present Jesus to the Lord. According to the Law, what was the pair of animals that were sacrificed?
a) turtledoves Luke 2:22-24
b) partridges
c) ducks
d) geese

16) Fill in the blanks: Samson once killed  ____ and returned later to find _____ living inside its dead body.
a) a bear and locusts
b) a bear and bees
c) a lion and bees- Judges 14:8
d) a leopard and scorpions

17) A woman of Canaan came to Jesus and asked him to heal her daughter from a demon. In refusing to help her at first, He said that it was not good to take bread and give it to what animal?
a) goats
b) pigeons
c) pigs
d) dogs Matthew 15:26-27

18) After the city of Nineveh repented, Jonah sulked in the shade of a vine. God sent what animal to destroy the vine in order to teach Jonah a lesson?
a) worm Jonah 4:5-11
b) goat
c) sparrow
d) dog

19) Jesus said it was easier for which animal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
a) bull
b) wild ox
c) donkey
d) camel Matthew 19:24

20) The Preacher states that what animals cause the perfumer’s ointment to stink?
a) skunks
b) flies Ecclesiastes 10:1
c) dogs

d) swine

Animals of the Bible 1

1) Which birds could not be eaten according to the Law of Moses?
a) ostrich and chicken
b) dove and chicken
c) eagle and ostrich Deuteronomy 14:12-16
d) quail and eagle

2) In order to prove that he could beat Goliath. David told Saul that he protected his flock against which two animals?
a) hyena and wolf
b) lion and bear 1 Samuel 17:34-36
c) lion and wolf
d) bear and leopard

3) Those who collected the tribute or temple tax asked Peter if Jesus paid it. Jesus then instructed Peter to collect the money from the mouth of what animal in order to pay the temple tax?
a) goat
b) dove
c) lamb
d) fish Matthew 17:27

4) In the sermon on the mount, Jesus warns people to beware of false prophets who come in what kind of animal’s clothing but inwardly are what kind of animal?
a) dove and vulture
b) sheep and wolf Matthew 7:15
c) sheep and lion
d) dove and lion

5) Abraham’s servant looked for a bride for Isaac. He found the perfect bride when she offered to water what animals the servant had with him?
a) donkeys
b) sheep
c) goats
d) camels Genesis 24:19

6) The prophet Isaiah speaks of a future time of peace when what two animals will lie down with one another?
a) ram and lion cub
b) leopard and young goat Isaiah 11:6
c) bear and lamb
d) lion and kid

7) Jezebel’s body was eaten by what animals?
a) lions
b) vultures
c) dogs 2 Kings 9:30-37
d) eagles

8) Jesus chastised the Pharisees by asking them if they would pull what animal out of a pit on the Sabbath day?
a) an ox Luke 14:5
b) a ram
c) a goat
d) a pig

9) At the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like what kind of animal?
a) lion
b) dove Matthew 3:16
c) eagle
d) winged lion

10) Just before His death, Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of which young animal?
a) ox
b) donkey John 12:14
c) horse
d) He did not ride any animal

11) The armies of heaven follow Jesus on what white animal?
a) camels
b) oxen
c) horses Revelation 19:14
d) bulls

12) In the book of Revelation, the apostle John saw four living creatures around the throne of God. These beings had the faces of what creatures?
a) man, calf, eagle and lion Revelation 4:6-7
b) man, goat, bear and lion
c) calf, goat, eagle and lion
d) bear, ox, man and lion

13) Jesus warns people not to lay up treasures on earth where rust and what animal can corrupt it?
a) vultures
b) worms
c) mice
d) moths Matthew 6:19

14) John the Baptist wore clothing made of which animal?
a) camel Matthew 3:4
b) goat
c) sheep
d) ox

15) Daniel was thrown into a den of what kind of animal?
a) hyenas
b) vipers
c) lions Daniel 6:7
d) bears

16) When Jesus returns, He will divide the nations into two groups He compares to animals. What are the two animals and what do they represent?
a) goats are the lost and sheep are the saved Matthew 25:31-46
b) lambs are the lost and goats are the saved
c) pigs are the lost and sheep are the saved
d) pigs are the lost and goats are the saved

17) When Aaron made the golden idol for the Israelites in deserts of the Sinai Peninsula, what was the creature the idol looked like?
a) cat
b) lion
c) eagle
d) calf Exodus 32:2-4

18) In Proverbs, a beautiful woman who turns aside discretion is compared to what animal sporting jewelry?
a) dog
b) camel
c) pig Proverbs 11:22
d) donkey

19) Jesus relates a parable to explain the joy in heaven over a sinner coming to repentance. He illustrates this with a comparison to what kind of lost animal?
a) goat
b) dog
c) cat
d) sheep Luke 15:4-7

20) Jesus gave his 70 disciples the authority to tread on what two animals as well as authority over the enemy?
a) serpents and scorpions Luke 10:19
b) foxes and wolves
c) serpents and wolves

d) foxes and scorpions

Psalm 1

1) Blessed is the man who has not done what?
a) Walked in the counsel of the ungodly Psalm 1:1
b) Eaten with sinners
c) Made his home with mockers
d) Sat with the nations

2) What is the delight of the righteous?
a) The ways of the Lord
b) The promises of the Lord
c) The holiness of the Lord
d) The Law of the Lord Psalm 1:2

3) How does he meditate?
a) In his waking hours
b) Day and night Psalm 1:2
c) With his whole heart
d) Fervently

4) The righteous man who meditates on the Law is like what object?
a) A flowing river
b) A steadfast oak
c) A tree by rivers of water Psalm 1:3
d) The cedars of Lebanon

5) The ungodly are like what in this psalm?
a) Dust in the wind
b) Chaff Psalm 1:4
c) Rocks underfoot
d) Kindling

6) The ungodly shall not stand in what?
a) Trials
b) The storm
c) The Law
d) Judgment Psalm 1:5

7) What happens to the ungodly?
a) They perish Psalm 1:6
b) They blow away
c) They burn up

d) They are smash below His feet

The Epistle of Jude

1) Who is the brother of Jude?
a) James Jude 1:1
b) Peter
c) Paul
d) His brother is not mentioned by name

2) Why did Jude write this letter?
a) To tell them he was coming soon
b) To ask them to help brothers who were in need
c) To exhort the recipient to contend earnestly for the faith Jude 1:3
d) To rebuke them for a wrong done in their congregation

3) Jude gave three historic examples of what happens to the ungodly. What county did Jude mention?
a) Edom
b) Egypt Jude 1:5
c) Canaan
d) Moab

4) What cities did Jude mention in the three historic examples?
a) Damascus and Tyre
b) Rome and Jerusalem
c) Jericho and Damascus
d) Sodom and Gomorrah Jude 1:7

5) How were the angels dealt with in his example?
a) Cast into the furnace
b) Cast out from heaven
c) Locked in the abyss until the Great Tribulation
d) Kept in chains in everlasting darkness until Judgment Day Jude 1:6

6) Michael the Archangel contended with the devil about whose body?
a) Jesus
b) Moses Jude 1:9
c) David
d) John the Baptist

7) What did Michael say to the devil?
a) Let go of Moses
b) Be gone
c) The Lord rebuke you Jude 1:9
d) Michael said nothing

8) Jude states that unbelievers have gone in the way of whom?
a) the devil
b) the world
c) Herod
d) Cain Jude 1:11

9) Jude mentions an historic rebellion from the Old Testament. Which rebellion did he mention?
a) Israel
b) Korah Jude 1:11
c) Judah
d) Miriam

10) What was that rebellion about?
a) They rebelled against having Moses as their leader Numbers 16
b) They rebelled against eating manna all the time
c) They rebelled against leaving Egypt
d) They rebelled against the Levites

11) Enoch is how far removed from Adam?
a) Fifth
b) Sixth
c) Seventh Jude 1:14
d) The letter does not say

12) What kind of people would walk according to their ungodly lusts?
a) Mockers Jude 1:18
b) Deceivers
c) Sinners
d) The nations

13) Jude finishes by encouraging believers to have pity on some but to save others with fear, in what way?
a) Bringing them to the cross
b) Rescuing them from the pit
c) Pulling them out of the fire Jude 1:22

d) Baptizing them in the Jordan River

Who Wrote the Books of the Bible?

1) Who wrote the book of Genesis?
a) Joseph
b) Moses
c) Samuel
d) Josephus

2) Who wrote the book of Exodus?
a) Ezra
b) Caleb
c) Joshua
d) Moses

3) Who wrote the book of Judges?
a) Samuel
b) Moses
c) Ezra
d) Nehemiah

4) Who wrote the books of 1 and 2 kings?
a) Solomon
b) Jeremiah
c) Isaiah
d) Unknown

5) Who wrote the book of Ruth?
a) Solomon
b) Samuel
c) David
d) Ruth

6) Who wrote the books of 1 and 2 chronicles?
a) Nahum
b) Ezra
c) Malachi
d) Unknown

7) Who wrote the book of Nehemiah?
a) Josephus
b) Jeremiah
c) Nehemiah
d) Ezra

8) Who wrote the Song of Solomon?
a) Ezra
b) Solomon
c) David
d) Unknown

9) Who wrote the book of Psalms
a) Sons of Korah
b) Solomon
c) David
d) Many authors

10) Who wrote the book of Job?
a) Abraham
b) Isaac
c) Moses
d) Unknown

11) Who wrote the book of Isaiah?
a) Jeremiah
b) Ezekiel
c) Isaiah
d) Uknown

12) Who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes?
a) David
b) Hezekiah
c) Solomon
d) Unknown

13) Who wrote the book of Jonah?
a) Ezekiel
b) Jonah
c) Daniel
d) Unknown

14) Who wrote the book of Lamentations?
a) Ezra
b) Jeremiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Uknown

15) Who wrote the book of Daniel?
a) Amos
b) Hosea
c) Daniel
d) Shadrach

16) Who wrote the book of Joel?
a) Joel
b) Daniel
c) Obadiah
d) Uknown

17) Who wrote the book of Malachi?
a) Malachi
b) Micah
c) Zechariah
d) Unknown

18) Who wrote the gospel of Matthew?
a) Matthew
b) Paul
c) Luke
d) Unknown

19) Who wrote the gospel of Luke?
a) Luke
b) Paul
c) John
d) Theophilus

20) Who wrote the gospel of Mark?
a) Mark
b) John
c) Peter
d) Unknown

21) Who wrote the gospel of John?
a) John
b) Theophilus
c) Timothy
d) Unknown

22) Who wrote the book of Acts?
a) Paul
b) Theophilus
c) Luke
d) Unknown

23) Who wrote the book of Romans?
a) Luke
b) Onesimus
c) Timothy
d) Paul

24) Who wrote the book of James?
a) Paul
b) Onesimus
c) James
d) Peter

25) Who wrote the book of Galatians?
a) Peter
b) James
c) Paul
d) John

26) Who wrote the books of 1 and 2 Peter?
a) James
b) Peter
c) Paul
d) Uknown

27) Who wrote the book of Philippians?
a) Luke
b) Onesimus
c) Paul
d) Unknown

28) Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
a) Paul
b) Luke
c) Peter
d) Unknown

29) Who wrote the books of 1 and 2 Timothy?
a) Timothy
b) Titus
c) Paul
d) Unknown

30) Who wrote the book of Jude?
a) John
b) Paul
c) Luke
d) Jude

31) Who wrote the book of Titus?
a) Titus
b) Paul
c) Peter
d) Unknown

32) Who wrote the book of Revelation?
a) John
b) Paul
c) James

d) Unknown

Precious Stones

1) The KJV describes Ezekiel’s chariot as being like the color of what stone?
a) sardonyx
b) ruby
c) amber Ezekiel 1:4 
d) agate

2) Ezekiel describes the fallen cherub who had every precious stone as his covering. What 4 precious stones are included among them?
a) pearl, jasper, ruby, sapphire
b) topaz, onyx, jasper, beryl  Ezekiel 28:13 
c) emerald, jasper, crystal, beryl
d) topaz, pearl, emerald, onyx

3) John describes a rainbow surrounded throne in Revelation like what precious stone?
a) diamond
b) topaz
c) ruby
d) emerald Revelation 4:3 

4) The prophet Jeremiah condemns the sin of Judah and says it is carved on the horns of the altar of God with the point of which gemstone?
a) diamond Jeremiah 17:1 
b) topaz
c) emerald
d) ruby

5) Jesus relates a parable about an object of great price for which a man sold all he had to purchase it. What was this object?
a) diamond
b) pearl Matthew 13:46
c) ruby
d) crystal

6) Fill in the blank:
For wisdom is better than _____; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
a) beryls
b) pearls
c) emeralds
d) rubies Proverbs 8:11

7) The value of the Proverbs 31 woman is far above which precious stone?
a) pearls
b) sapphires
c) rubies Proverbs 31:10 
d) emeralds

8) What stone was the foundation of the wall of New Jerusalem in Revelation?
a) jasper Revelation 21:18 
b) onyx
c) chrysoprase
d) chalcedony

9) What was the precious gem that formed the twelve gates of New Jerusalem?
a) pearl Revelation 21:21 
b) sardonyx
c) topaz
d) beryl

10) What stone is not found on the ephod Moses was told to create?
a) chalcedony Exodus 28:17-20
b) topaz
c) onyx
d) amethyst

11) The names of the 12 tribes of Israel are carved on two stones to be placed on the shoulders of the ephod Aaron and future high priests would wear. What is the name of that stone?
a) jasper
b) chrysoprase
c) onyx Exodus 28:9-12
d) chalcedony

12) Why are those stones and names placed on the shoulders of the ephod?
a) to help balance the weight of the ephod
b) to show allegiance to God
c) to remind the priests whom they serve
d) as a memorial Exodus 28:12

13) In the book of Job, the question is asked, where is wisdom found. The passage lists many stones including one from Ethiopia. What is the stone of Ethiopia?
a) ruby
b) diamond
c) topaz Job 28:19 
d) emerald

14) The first river out of the Garden of Eden is called Pishon, which encompasses the land of Havilah and contains what common stone?
a) agate
b) onyx Genesis 2:11-12 
c) chalcedony
d) garnet

The Birth of Jesus

1) Who was John the Baptist’s father?
a) Zacharias Luke 1:13
b) Herod
c) Simeon
d) Zephaniah

2) Zacharias was a priest of what division?
a) Gamaliel
b) Abijah Luke 1:5
c) Nazaren
d) Aaronic

3) Why did they have no children?
a) Their children were dead
b) They were old
c) Elizabeth was barren
d) Elizabeth was barren, and they were both advanced in years Luke 1:7

4) Where was Zacharias when the Angel appeared to him?
a) At his home
b) In the field
c) In the temple of the Lord Luke 1:8-11
d) It doesn’t say

5) What was Zacharias going to do in the temple when the angel appeared to him?
a) Offer a sacrifice
b) Burn incense Luke 1:9
c) Sabbath ceremony
d) Teach from the Torah

6) According to the angel, how would John the Baptist be like Elijah?
a) In the spirit and power of Elijah Luke 1:17
b) The recreation of Elijah
c) A forerunner like Elijah
d) A prophet like Elijah

7) John the Baptist was to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the disobedient back to the righteous for what purpose?
a) To point to Jesus
b) To teach about baptism
c) To fulfill prophecy
d) To make ready a people prepared for the Lord Luke 1:17

8) Who was the angel who spoke to Zacharias?
a) The angel is unnamed
b) Michael
c) Gabriel Luke 1:19
d) Fred

9) What was the sign given to Zacharias?
a) That he would have dreams confirming the words
b) That the incense would not burn
c) That Elizabeth would not be able to speak until the day when these things take place
d) That he would be unable to speak until the day when these things take place Luke 1:20

10) In what month was Gabriel sent to Mary?
a) Second
b) Third
c) Sixth Luke 1:26
d) Eighth

11) What throne did Gabriel promise Mary would be given to Jesus?
a) The throne of God
b) The throne of David Luke 1:32
c) The throne in heaven
d) The throne of Israel

12) What Gabriel say Jesus would be called?
a) Messiah
b) The Promised One
c) Son of the Most High Luke 1:32
d) He didn’t mention anything

13) Whose house would Jesus reign over forever?
a) The house of Jacob Luke 1:33
b) The house of Jesse
c) The house of David
d) The house of Abraham

14) What did Elizabeth’s baby do in the womb when Mary came to visit?
a) The baby settled down
b) The baby leaped Luke 1:41
c) The baby rejoiced
d) The baby did nothing

15) What would generations do to Mary per her words at her cousin Elizabeths home?
a) Rejoice for her
b) Weep for her
c) Count her blessed Luke 1:48
d) Nothing

16) How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth?
a) Three months Luke 1:56
b) Four months
c) Six months
d) Doesn’t say

17) What did the people want to name Elizabeths baby instead of John?
a) Zephaniah
b) Joseph
c) Jacob
d) Zacharias Luke 1:59

18) How did Zacharias tell them what to name the baby?
a) He signed
b) He spoke
c) He wrote on a tablet Luke 1:63
d) He didn’t tell them

19) Where did John the Baptist live until the time came for his ministry?
a) In Bethlehem
b) In Jerusalem
c) In his house
d) In the desert Luke 1:80

20) Who decreed a census to be taken?
a) Herod
b) Caesar Augustus Luke 2:1-3
c) Aquinas
d) Caesar Salade

21) Who was governor of Syria?
a) Quirinius Luke 2:2
b) Herod
c) Aquealus
d) Augustus

22) To what town did Mary and Joseph go to be counted in the census?
a) Jerusalem
b) Bethlehem Luke 2:4-5
c) Capernaum
d) Nazareth

23) Why did Mary lay Him in a manger?
a) To fulfill prophecy
b) It was the best place for Him
c) No room for them at the inn Luke 2:7
d) No room for them at the Holiday Inn

24) What were the shepherds doing when the angel appeared?
a) Sleeping
b) Tending their flocks Luke 2:8
c) Eating
d) Shearing sheep

25) What was the sign to the Shepherds?
a) The star
b) A baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger Luke 2:12
c) Angels singing
d) A glow of light around Jesus

26) After the angels left, what did the shepherds do?
a) Ate dinner
b) Praised God
c) They went to Bethlehem to find Jesus Luke 2:15-16
d) Told others what the angel said

27) When the infant Jesus was brought to the temple, who was the righteous and devout man who looked for the consolation of Israel?
a) Simeon Luke 2:25
b) Zacharias
c) Caiaphas
d) Nicodemus

28) Who was the prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher?
a) Anna Luke 2:36
b) Elizabeth
c) Miriam
d) Mary

29) How did Anna serve in the temple?
a) She served the priests
b) She didn’t serve in the temple
c) With prayer and fasting Luke 2:37
d) She donated to the coffers

30) How did Joseph learn about Jesus?
a) An angel told him
b) In a dream Matthew 1:20
c) In a vision
d) From Mary

31) Who spoke to him in that dream?
a) God
b) Jesus
c) An angel Matthew 1:20
d) A Voice

32) How many magi came to Jerusalem looking for Jesus?
a) Three
b) Four
c) A dozen
d) Unknown Matthew 2:1

33) When answering Herod, the priests told him where Jesus would be found based on what prophecy?
a) Isaiah 52:10
b) Isaiah 53:7
c) Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:5-6 and Micah 5:2
d) Zephaniah 10:12

34) How did the Magi find Jesus?
a) The star showed them Matthew 2:2
b) The priests told them
c) The prophecies told them
d) Herod told them

35) Where did they find Jesus?
a) In a manger
b) In Nazareth
c) In the Inn
d) In a house Matthew 2:11

36) How did the Magi know not to return to Herod?
a) They were warned in a dream Matthew 2:12
b) An angel warned them in person
c) Joseph told them
d) Prophecy told them

37) Where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to escape Herod?
a) Egypt Matthew 2:13
b) Syria
c) Jerusalem
d) They stayed put

38) How did they know to leave?
a) An angel told them
b) God told them
c) In a dream Matthew 2:13
d) In a vision

39) Why did Herod want to find Jesus?
a) To worship Him
b) To see Him
c) To kill Him Matthew 2:13
d) To see if He was real

40) What did Herod do when he learned that the Magi had tricked him?
a) He killed all the male children younger than 2 yrs old Matthew 2:16
b) He outlawed Magi
c) He fined them
d) He imprisoned them

41) Which prophet said "A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not."?
a) Jeremiah Matthew 2:17-18
b) Isaiah
c) Ezekiel
d) Daniel

42) Why did Joseph leave Egypt?
a) He had no work there
b) Famine
c) Jesus said it was time to go
d) Herod died Matthew 2:19-20

43) How did he know Herod died?
a) God said so
b) An angel told him
c) From a dream Matthew 2:19
d) From a vision

44) Why did they go to Nazareth?
a) An angel said so
b) God warned them in a dream Matthew 2:22-23
c) To fulfill prophecy
d) Jesus told them


1) What was his mother supposed to avoid while pregnant with Samson?
a) unclean food Judges 1:4
b) goat meat
c) food she did not prepare
d) eating after sunset

2) What was not supposed to be cut on Samson?
a) His clothes
b) His hair Judges 13:5
c) His foreskin
d) Nothing is in the bible about this

3) Why was Samson’s hair not supposed to be cut?
a) He was to look fierce
b) Men of the time were not permitted to cut their hair
c) He was to pretend to be a Philistine
d) He was to be a Nazarite Judges 13:5

4) What nationality was Samson’s first wife?
a) Moabite
b) Philistine Judges 14:1
c) Ishmaelite
d) Israelite

5) What did Samson kill as his parents headed towards the village of the woman he wanted as a wife?
a) A lion Judges 14:5-6
b) A ram
c) A man
d) A donkey

6) What was later in the body of the dead animal?
a) A refuge from a battle
b) A swarm of bees and honey Judges 14:8
c) His bride
d) A ram

7) What was the prize for answering the riddle at the marriage feast of Samson?
a) 30 pieces of silver
b) A herd of goats
c) 30 blouses and changes of garments Judges 14:13
d) A flock of sheep

8) How did the wedding guests coerce the Samson’s wife to find out the answer to the riddle?
a) They threatened to burn down her father’s home Judges 14:15
b) They bribed her
c) She was their sister
d) They threatened to kill her and Samson

9) Who ended up with Samson’s wife?
a) Her brothers
b) His father
c) His companion Judges 14:20-15:2
d) She remained alone

10) How did Samson react to this?
a) He killed his wife and father
b) He destroyed the village
c) He tore down her father’s home
d) He set fire to their fields with 300 foxes Judges 15:4-5

11) When the men of Judah bound Samson up to give him to the Philistines, how did he get free?
a) The Spirit of the Lord gave him strength to break his bonds. Judges 15:14
b) He cut his bonds with a knife they gave him
c) The bonds were not tied tightly together
d) A servant untied him

12) How did the lords of the Philistines entice Delilah to find out the secret to Samson’s strength?
a) They threatened to burn her house down
b) They offered her 1100 pieces of silver each Judges 16:4-5
c) They threatened to kill her
d) They offered her 30 pieces of silver

13) What was Samson’s first response to Delilah?
a) Bind him with his own hair
b) Bind him with new ropes
c) Bind him with scarlet ropes
d) Bind him with 7 green cords Judges 16:7

14) What was Samson’s second response to Delilah?
a) Bind him with weighted ropes
b) Bind him with new ropes Judges 16:11
c) Bind him with linen rags
d) Bind him with pigskin

15) What was Samson’s third response to Delilah?
a) Weave his hair into a web on the loom Judges 16:13
b) Curl his hair
c) Braid his hair with goat hair
d) Shave his head

16) What was Samson’s fourth response to Delilah?
a) Cut his hair with silver shears
b) Cut his hair with sheep shears
c) Shave his head Judges 16:17
d) He refused to tell her anything

17) What did the Philistines do with Samson when they captured him?
a) The blinded him and bound him with bronze fetters Judges 16:21
b) They bound him to a donkey
c) They blinded him and cut off his hands
d) They bound him in a dark cellar

18) What was the name of the Philistine god?
a) Baal
b) Ashtaroth
c) Dagon Judges 16:23
d) Molech

19) When the Philistines had a feast and made sport of Samson, what was his request to the boy leading him?
a) To show him the pillars so that he may lean against them Judges 16:26
b) To let him sit down in the corner
c) To bring him water and bread
d) To let him face his captors

20) How did Samson and the Philistines die at that feast?
a) By the fire of the sacrifice to Dagon
b) By an earthquake which destroyed the home
c) When Israelites attacked the feast
d) When Samson pushed the pillars and collapsed the house Judges 16:28-30