Friday, March 2, 2018

Biblical Cities – New Testament 3

1) Where was Jesus from?
a) Nazareth
b) Bethlehem
c) Capernaum
d) Jerusalem

2) Where was Paul imprisoned and his cell door opened by an earthquake?
a) Antioch
b) Berea
c) Philippi
d) Thessalonica

3) Paul had a confrontation with Peter over refusing to eat with gentiles in what city?
a) Jerusalem
b) Ephesus
c) Damascus
d) Antioch of Syria

4) Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive spikenard (ointment) in what city?
a) Capernaum
b) Bethsaida
c) Bethany
d) Jericho

5) Where was Stephen stoned?
a) Cana
b) Jerusalem
c) Capernaum
d) Bethany

6) The Lord told Paul that he would bear witness of Him in what city?
a) Rome
b) Athens
c) Damascus
d) Jerusalem

7) In what city did Jesus cure a blind man by spitting in his eyes and laying hands on him?
a) Jericho
b) Bethsaida
c) Capernaum
d) Nain

8) A voice asked “Saul Saul why do you persecute Me?” Where was Saul traveling to when this happened?
a) Jerusalem
b) Gaza
c) Damascus
d) Caesarea

9) In what city did the Holy Spirit come at Pentecost?
a) Bethany
b) Cana
c) Shiloh
d) Jerusalem

10) Herod ordered the children of what city killed in an effort to kill Jesus?
a) Bethlehem
b) Nazareth
c) Cana
d) Jerusalem

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