Saturday, March 3, 2018

Messianic prophecies in Genesis

1) One of the first Messianic prophecies in the bible states that God would put enmity between the serpent and the descendants of Eve. Where was this prophecy uttered?
a) Nod
b) Outside the Garden of Eden
c) Inside the Garden of Eden
d) The bible does not say where it is uttered

2) Fill in the blank: The Messiah will bruise the serpent’s ____ and the serpent will bruise the Messiah’s ____.
a) Heel, head
b) Head, heel
c) Head, hand
d) Body, hand

3) In Genesis 12, God says in you will all the nations be blessed. Who is God referring to when He said “you”?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Israel
d) Abraham

4) Jesus is a high priest after the order of which Old Testament priest?
a) Abraham
b) Aaron
c) Melchizedek
d) Levi

5) The king of Salem brought out what food that Jesus used to illustrate Himself in the Gospel of Matthew?
a) Bread and wine
b) Fish and bread
c) Bread and fish
d) Wine and water

6) What animal did Abraham say God would provide for a burnt offering when he was about to sacrifice Isaac?
a) Goat
b) Lamb
c) Ram
d) Abraham did not say anything

7) In Genesis 22, God said all nations would be blessed by the descendants of Abraham because he did what?
a) He worshiped the one true God
b) He obeyed the voice of God
c) He wrestled with God
d) He did nothing

8) In Genesis 26, there was a famine in the land so a descendent of Abraham attempted to travel elsewhere. The Lord stopped him and reiterated the promise given to Abraham, that all nations would be blessed through his descendants. Who was this man?
a) Isaac
b) Jacob
c) Ishmael
d) Israel

9) Fill in the blank: Before Jacob died, he prophesied about his sons. He said the _____ would not depart from Judah until someone came.
a) Crown
b) Throne
c) Staff
d) Scepter

10) It would only depart from Judah when who came?
a) Ariel
b) Shiloh
c) Immanuel
d) The Prince of Peace

Friday, March 2, 2018

Biblical Cities – New Testament 3

1) Where was Jesus from?
a) Nazareth
b) Bethlehem
c) Capernaum
d) Jerusalem

2) Where was Paul imprisoned and his cell door opened by an earthquake?
a) Antioch
b) Berea
c) Philippi
d) Thessalonica

3) Paul had a confrontation with Peter over refusing to eat with gentiles in what city?
a) Jerusalem
b) Ephesus
c) Damascus
d) Antioch of Syria

4) Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive spikenard (ointment) in what city?
a) Capernaum
b) Bethsaida
c) Bethany
d) Jericho

5) Where was Stephen stoned?
a) Cana
b) Jerusalem
c) Capernaum
d) Bethany

6) The Lord told Paul that he would bear witness of Him in what city?
a) Rome
b) Athens
c) Damascus
d) Jerusalem

7) In what city did Jesus cure a blind man by spitting in his eyes and laying hands on him?
a) Jericho
b) Bethsaida
c) Capernaum
d) Nain

8) A voice asked “Saul Saul why do you persecute Me?” Where was Saul traveling to when this happened?
a) Jerusalem
b) Gaza
c) Damascus
d) Caesarea

9) In what city did the Holy Spirit come at Pentecost?
a) Bethany
b) Cana
c) Shiloh
d) Jerusalem

10) Herod ordered the children of what city killed in an effort to kill Jesus?
a) Bethlehem
b) Nazareth
c) Cana
d) Jerusalem

Biblical Cities – New Testament 2

1) According to the Gospel of John, what city were the disciples headed towards when Jesus walked on water towards their boat?
a) Capernaum
b) Bethsaida
c) Tiberias
d) Magdala

2) Peter (through Christ) healed Aeneas a man who had been paralyzed for 8 yrs in what city?
a) Ephesus
b) Lydda
c) Emmaus
d) Joppa

3) What city are the apostles Philip, Andrew, and Peter from?
a) Bethsaida
b) Jerusalem
c) Capernaum
d) Magdala

4) In what city in the Book of Acts, does James state that gentile Christians only need to abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood?
a) Damascus
b) Antioch of Pisidia
c) Tarsus
d) Jerusalem

5) Where were early believers first called Christians?
a) Cana
b) Jerusalem
c) Antioch of Syria
d) Antioch of Pisidia

6) The people of which city were praised for searching the scriptures to see if the words Paul spoke to them were true?
a) Bethlehem
b) Bethany
c) Berea
d) Bethsaida

7) Claudius commanded all Jews to leave what city?
a) Athens
b) Rome
c) Tyre
d) Damascus

8) What city did Jesus go to when He raised Lazarus from the dead?
a) Emmaus
b) Caperaum
c) Nain
d) Bethany

9) In what city did the Holy Spirit, using Paul, blind a conjurer who was seeking to sway a proconsul away from the gospel?
a) Paphos
b) Syracuse
c) Corinth
d) Salamis

10) Where did Peter have the vision of clean and unclean foods?
a) Caesarea
b) Gaza
c) Joppa
d) Azotus

Biblical Cities – New Testament 1

1) A Jew named Apollos eloquently preached the gospel. What city did he come from?
a) Athens
b) Bethany
c) Alexandria
d) Emmaus

2) What city was Jesus born in?
a) Capernaum
b) Bethlehem
c) Jerusalem
d) Nazareth

3) In what city is the gospel first preached?
a) Bethlehem
b) Shiloh
c) Nazareth
d) Jerusalem

4) Those who practiced the “curious arts” burned their books in which city?
a) Caesarea
b) Thessalonica
c) Ephesus
d) Athens

5) The first epistle in the new testament is written to the citizens of what city?
a) Rome
b) Ephesus
c) Philippi
d) Colosse

6) Jesus healed Blind Bartimeus,  the son of Timeus, outside of what city?
a) Capernaum
b) Jericho
c) Bethsaida
d) Capernaum

7) Jews from what city stoned Paul and threw him out of the city, supposing he was dead?
a) Antioch of Pisidia
b) Ephesus
c) Damascus
d) Jerusalem

8) In what city was Jesus asked if He paid the temple tax, and then directed Peter to get a coin from the mouth of a fish?
a) Capernaum
b) Chorazin
c) Nazareth
d) Jerusalem

9) The First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) was written in which city?
a) Ephesus
b) Athens
c) Damascus
d) Babylon

10) Where was the apostle Paul from?
a) Damascus
b) Tarsus
c) Ephesus
d) Bethany