Sunday, February 18, 2018

Seconds Count

1) Who is the second woman mentioned in the bible?
a) Adah
b) Cain’s wife
c) Zillah
d) The daughters of men

2) What is the second talking animal mentioned in the bible?
a) The serpent
b) A raven
c) Balaam’s donkey
d) Saul’s donkey

3) Who is the second oldest man in the bible?
a) Jared
b) Mahalaleel
c) Enos
d) Cainan

4) What was the second plague in Egypt?
a) Locusts
b) Lice
c) Hail
d) Frogs

5) Who was the second killer mentioned in the bible?
a) Moses
b) Levi
c) Zimri
d) Lamech

6) Who was the second judge in the Israelites?
a) Gideon
b) Shamgar
c) Ehud
d) Deborah

7) Who was the second king of Israel?
a) David
b) Solomon
c) Rehoboam
d) Ishbosheth

8) What was the second miracle of Jesus? 
a) Healing the son of a nobleman
b) Healing Peter’s mother in law
c) Cleanses the leper
d) Healing the paralytic man

9) Who was the second Christian martyr mentioned in the Book of Acts?
a) Stephen
b) Bartholomew
c) James
d) Matthias

10) What is the second church mentioned in 7 churches listed in Revelation?
a) Pergamos
b) Thyatira
c) Smyrna
d) Laodicea


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