Friday, January 19, 2018

Musical Instruments

1) When evil spirits troubled King Saul, David played what instrument for him?
a) Flute
b) Harp
c) Lyre
d) Tabret

2) Psalm 150 urges people to praise the Lord with different instruments. How many are mentioned?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 7
d) 12

3) Which descendent of Cain is called the father of all playing the harp and organ?
a) Jubal
b) Lamech
c) Naamah
d) Tubalcain

4) There are 3 sets of 7 judgments in the book of Revelation. Which musical instrument is mentioned as one set of 7 judgments?
a) Drum
b) Harp
c) Tambourine
d) Trumpet

5) The trumpets used to bring down Jericho in the the book of Joshua was made of what material?
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Ram’s horn
d) The bible does not say

6) Moses and the people of Israel sang a song after Pharaoh and his men were drowned in the Red Sea. Miriam and women danced and played which musical instrument?
a) Timbrel
b) Harp
c) Pipe
d) Psaltery

7) Paul admonishes the Corinthians to speak in love, for without it, their voice is compared to what musical instrument?
a) Drum
b) Cymbal
c) Lyre
d) Tambourine

8) In Revelation, the 24 elders are before the throne of God holding vials or bowls of incense which are the prayers of saints and which musical instrument?
a) Flute
b) Lyre
c) Harp
d) Trumpet

9) When Jacob fled with his family from his father in law, Laban catches up to him and asks why he didn’t allow him to give them a proper send off with songs and which 2 musical instruments?
a) Flute and harp
b) Lyre and harp
c) Flute and tabret
d) Harp and tabret

10) In Judges, Jephthah made a vow to the Lord that if He would deliver the children of Ammon into his hands, then he would sacrifice the first thing he saw on his return home. The first thing he saw was his daughter dancing with which musical instrument?
a) Flute
b) Harp
c) Tabret
d) Timbrels

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